| 1. | Analyzing the merger policy under trade liberalization 上海乐群社工服务社个案分析 |
| 2. | Service trade liberalization : the legal game between china and asean 中国与东盟国家的法律博弈 |
| 3. | Different from multilateral trade liberalization , in the regional trade agreement , one country reduces trade barriers only for specific countries 当前,全球区域贸易协定的数量猛增,各国参与区域贸易协定的热情高涨。 |
| 4. | In chapter one , we define the concept of sustainable development and trade liberalization in traditional way . this is the jumping - off point of the paper 随着全球社会对“可持续发展”的关注,尤其是在环境和社会问题上,发达国家和发展中国家争论不休。 |
| 5. | In particular , we will pursue trade liberalization in a manner that is fully consistent with and supportive of this administration s strong commitment to protect the environment 正如您在演说中提到的,中美两国人民应当携手并进。在这个过程中,最重要的是进行更多的交流。 |
| 6. | Obviously , the trade liberalization is advantageous to the development . but , whether the trade liberalization can maintain and promote sustainable development 20世纪中叶,环境问题席卷全球,环境保护成为全球性浪潮; 1987年联合国世界环境与发展委员会正式提出了可持续发展的概念。 |
| 7. | Multilateral trade framework , which is represented by wto , played a decisive role in the international community . all the members want to benefit more from the trade liberalization 回顾wto争端解决机制的发展演变过程,其中的一条主线是各种用以解决争端的法律方法不断得到强化的过程。 |
| 8. | However , the emerging problem that is worthy of good attention is : what does the economic globalization , especially the trade liberalization bring to developing countries 因此,如何制定出既符合经济全球化的要求,同时又符合本国具体国情的贸易政策是每个发展中国家必须面对和解决的问题。 |